This is an image of 'YOUniverse'- a project that started as a completely and utter meltdown. I learnt from this failure and ended up selling the final piece. For me, this was a real turning point to looking at failure as a positive and since then I've had more success than ever before.
I started a new job the weekend after hand-in (and incidentally the day after I moved home-no rest for the wicked!). I now work for the contemporary and stylish interior products company 'Dwell'. I'm super excited about working for Dwell-I've learnt that they are a fantastic company to work for if your looking to improve and grow your individual skills. I am first and foremost a sales consultant-which happens to be rather easy as the products seem to sell themselves but I am also the stores visual merchandiser. I feel really lucky to have nabbed a job so quickly after uni, but Im really stocked that its this particular one.