Monday, July 1, 2013


WOOOOOW That was intimidating! There is so so so much talent in the current textile market. New designers is a celebration of fresh graduate skill and talent and it was so inspiring to see. The business design centre in Islington was set alive with colour and pattern and im proud that I had my part in that. I'm going to be honest, i wasn't happy with my display. I wish I wish I wish I had followed my instinct and presented my textiles in a more dynamic and stand out way- I understand the tutors wanted continuity within our stall but I dont agree that it showed my work in its full glory. As university our stand looked very flat and uninteresting which is a massive shame as we have some incredible work by some fantastic girls. Advice to next years exhibitors from UCA: really throw yourself into it, observe the other stalls think ahead!

Pretty much all of my business cards went :D and I have an interview on wednesday for a fantastic internship opportunity. I was also spotted by Watermark publishing for my illustration, however because of location im not able to follow this up. 

Busy Lucy

I've completed neglected this blog recently but I'm now back with a vengeance. So I got a job! I started the day after leaving uni which was a bit manic but it was great to feel secure and sorted. You know Dwell?  The contemporary interior retailler? Well I was working as there visual merchandiser and sales consultant in the Bluewater store. YAY! So I was working there for about 8 weeks and BOOM! the company went into administration so unfortunately I lost my job.

I'm trying to see this as an opportunity.