Sunday, May 19, 2013

to fail is to learn.

It's been a week since I was officially a student (and a week since I've posted on here. I've received my marks back am I delighted to have got a a 1st for my combined dissertation. I took a big risk on it and clearly it payed off. I've realised since leaving uni that the last 3 years have been an absolute fantastic opportunity to fail. Yep. fail. In the 'real world' we can't fail, we're expected to succeed post uni. So how do we learn to do taking risks, FAILING and learning...because if uni isn't for learning what is it for? I wish that I had had this epiphany sooner because I would have taken more risks to learn as many lessons I could have before failing is less accepted. To those students who didn't fail university...1. well done and 2. WHEN you do come across a failure (which you will do because everybody does..and its ok, its not a negative!)are you going to have the skills to pick yourself back up? With my history of failures, I know i will...and they have made me a stronger and more capable person.

This is an image of 'YOUniverse'- a project that started as a completely and utter meltdown. I learnt from this failure and ended up selling the final piece. For me, this was a real turning point to looking at failure as a positive and since then I've had more success than ever before. 

I started a new job the weekend after hand-in (and incidentally the day after I moved home-no rest for the wicked!). I now work for the contemporary and stylish interior products company 'Dwell'. I'm super excited about working for Dwell-I've learnt that they are a fantastic company to work for if your looking to improve and grow your individual skills. I am first and foremost a sales consultant-which happens to be rather easy as the products seem to sell themselves but I am also the stores visual merchandiser. I feel really lucky to have nabbed a job so quickly after uni, but Im really stocked that its this particular one. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

bye bye uni

time to hand in: 9 hours

Im finished, im actually finally finished. I thought I was more organised this project, and this proves im right...It's not yet 2 :30 and im FINISHED! Usually I have to pull an all nighter before a hand in!

I still cant really believe that I have no more uni ever. I have fully finished my course, im no longer a student. Never will I have to right a project proposal, get graded on my work or write an essay. Why im feeling sad about this i dont know. The past 3 years have felt like a life time and a split second all in one go. Im not ready to give it up, but i really can't wait at the same time. Stupid uni, I love you.

Anyways...I have finished my work. Its (nearly) all packed and ready to go. Im feeling very impartial to my work. I have worked incredibly hard this year- well lets face it I really needed to. There's nothing more that I could for this project, which is why im probably not panicing for feeling like im out of time, but i can't say Im entirely happy with it..but who ever is? I've done the absolute very the best I can, enjoyed it and Im proud of myself :)

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Here are some a selection of the scarfs I've visualised as garments. The foremost purpose of the fabrics have always been for a scarf, it has determined the scale, size and fabric that I chosen, however I've been open to the potential that have to become top or dresses, which is why I ended up printing onto an actual dress. I personally think they convert quite nicely when pinned onto a figure, what do you think? 

Thank goodness I have a fair amount of photographs of this because I've only gon and burnt a hole in with the iron. Unbelievable I mortified with myself!

Sunday, Monday, hand in.

Days to hand in: 2

Oh my Lordy! Im serious panicing now! 

I've got a lot done but I still have so much more to do! I've been selecting samples that work well together to mount on the same board. Presentation is key for this course especially as the boards will be taken to New Designers 2013. I probably took much time yesterday doing these because now I have only 2 days to finish everything else on my to do list! AGH! 

Friday, May 3, 2013

creative juices

The final 3 prints. I wasn't aiming for any final pieces here, just a last push while I had the time, fabric and print paste...its always in these situations when things right! I would love love love to have more time to get excited about these new prints and continue the project. In the last few weeks there is such a pressure to create major work for a dooming deadline (which puts a lot of emphasis on the presentation of the project rather than the work itself), so much pressure that i think it can stifle the creative flow and at a time when you should be making the best work of the project, you in fact fail and make the worst. I may be wrong? 

To do list

Days to hand in: 5 Days

So that was the vey last day I'll be working in the studio. Very very strange feeling, however Im not able to dwell on this as I have A LOT to do!


  • finish trimming fabric
  • finish mounting
  • write evaluation
  • finish research file
  • tweak project proposal
  • mount visualisations
  • launch website
  • finish technical backing sheets
  • update sketchbook
I wont be sleeping until tuesday night. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

polyester catastrophe!

Days to hand in: 7

With only a few days left to print its all becoming very tense and strange in the studio. I've bitched and moaned my way through this course but I will undoubtedly miss being there once i've graduated. Its become a homely space for me, I've spent the best part of 3 years walking around those tables and i dont think i've realised, until now, that im comforted by it. Essentially, i dont want to be thrown into the 'real world'- i want to stay working at my lovely desk, pondering out the window. 

Anyways...I printed onto a garment today, a coral coloured polyester tunic- the emphasis on polyester! I was seriously pleased with the outcome until it came to light that the procion dye that I have printed with with wash away. AGH! i was too excited to be printing onto an actual dress to check the fabric. im such a numpty! Tomorrow I'll be re-printing it with pigments... because i have the time to do that... :s